When It Feels Like No One Thinks of You

I scurried about packing myself, my kids and my husband. The week-long adventure ahead of us would be fun – if only we could get there. And, of course, someone turned up sick the day before we left.

I tried to contain my patient and keep his siblings from meddling too much with his germs. All the while the washing machine whirled and clothes piled up around me in semi-organized stacks. While I may have worn a smile on the outside, the silent conversation in my mind erupted.

Why am I the only one in this house preparing to leave? Shouldn’t someone else be a part of this process? Last time I checked I wasn’t the only one taking this trip. Why is it my sole responsibility to take care of every tiny detail?

I continued to corral and shuffle kids and clothes. No one else knew of my thoughts’ assault … until Dad walked through the door.

Completely unsuspecting he bounded through the door and our sick child asked for a cracker, “Sure buddy!” Dad obliged and he reached for the cracker box.

It’s at this moment the inner assault announced itself.

“No!” I basically shouted. “I’m in charge!”

Throw in a fierce finger wag and I’m sure you get the picture.

Stunned, everyone within ear shot froze. They all must have wondered what happened to me. One minute I was pleasant and patient. The next minute, not so much.

I’ve gone to God so many times saying, I don’t want to be this way. How can I stop erupting so unexpectedly? As a Christian, I’ve heard sayings like, let go and let God, and I know the Scriptures that say don’t be anxious (Philippians 4:6) and be still (Psalm 46:10), but quietly I’ve questioned:

If I don’t think about me, who will?

Psalm 8:4 answers my question,

What is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him?”

While the psalmist poses this thought in wonderment of who God is and why He chooses to consider the human race at all, he also notes two truths: God thinks about us, and God cares for us.

I don’t have to have me on my mind because God has me on His.

Not only can I take all of my things off my mind, but Psalm 8 also gives me something to replace those thoughts with … my Lord.

After spending three verses pondering the vastness of God’s power and majesty, David leads us to consider who God is and His rightful position in the universe. And when we put God in His proper place, the things in our lives also fall into place.

But in Psalm 8 David does not just glance at God. He doesn’t even pause to simply acknowledge God.

When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place” Psalm 8:3

The Hebrew word for “look” is often translated “consider.” Other definitions for this word are “inspect” or “look intently at.”

Because God has me on His mind, I am free to give my attention to who He is.

For years I fell victim to the cycle of silent thought patterns that led to outbursts and frustration. I had no idea how to change it, until God exposed those spoiler thoughts.

So letting your sinful nature control your mind leads to death. But letting the Spirit control your mind leads to life and peace.” Romans 8:6 (NLT)

As I move about my day, I weave into its fibers life or death.

The whispers within determine whether my soul will be spoiled or satisfied this day. Every day.

It’s so easy to throw a really impressive pity party. When the service is high and the support is low. Or when we seek to do right and the ones around us just don’t care. We can make lists of all we deserve, all we’ve earned, all the ways others let us down. Or we can let the Spirit plan the party.

This party decorates our days much differently.

The Spirit creates thanksgiving and it lifts our thoughts. The Spirit drapes compassion across our hearts and it welcomes those passing by. The Spirit spreads out understanding and offers all who join the party a feast of God’s truth and love.

Let’s not waste one more day smothered by deafening thoughts. Today let’s start a new thought pattern and let the joy of the Lord fill our souls as we think of Him.

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  1. Perfectly timesd. I’ve been feeling overwhelnmed and so angry the last week. I agreed to help a friend with a task that I should have said “no” to.
    I pray as I meet God for our precious time this morning he will clean my heart up. I don’t have to park on how I feel unappreciated.

  2. Thank you for your words of encouragement today. I desperately needed to read & hear this message. I had my own meltdown very similar to what you described, just last night. Feelings of inadequacy and failure and also the strong feeling of “I’m doing all this stuff and working so hard to try and not succumb to anger-filled responses…and feel like I’m invisible and no one cares to notice.” And of course feelings of guilt come right along with even thinking such thoughts or feeling like that. God truly spoke to me through to your message today. It’s so encouraging to know and remember that God does see me and cares about me and all the seemingly-small details of my life.
    Praying that God will bless you and your family today and always!

    1. Ashlee thank you so much for your prayers! I, too, need this message today, and I’m blessed to know God used it to encourage you.

  3. I’ve been struggling with feeling “taken advantage of “ because I do “everything “ and it has created a ton of resentment. (This is for a roommate….. I’m not even married ) Thank you for your words. I KNOW they will help me. I hope you and everyone out there has a Wonderful and blessed day!

    1. Hi Christine, you are so right when you talk about those feelings leading to resentment. It’s great to hear from you, and I’m so glad you were encouraged!

  4. At one time I raised four children thinking I was doing a decent job. Now they have all gone astray. I am raising a granddaughter who is now 9 years old and I’m not doing such a good job. I feel she is so angry with me for taking custody of her five years ago. She is so disrespectful and shows me no affection. Please pray God will soften her heart and learn to love again before it’s too late.
    I loved your message today and God bless you for all you do.
    Lu Ann

  5. Thank you Katy, as a widow living with my hermit son, who literally I only see when he briefly emerges from his “cave”, there have been many times I have felt like “no one thinks of me.”. If it wasn’t for the knowledge and intimacy of my relationship with God I too would be a hermit. But God didn’t make me a hermit instead I am “Kay the Frolicker”.
    Looking back over the seasons of my life I see different times when I thought “no one thinks of me”; as a young mother with a household to care for, as a divorcée with bewildered children, as an empty nester with that quiet home, as a widow when the funeral was over and everyone gone home and as the caregiver to an aging parent the thought that “no one thinks of me” has repeated itself many times.
    To all women out there, irregardless of the season of life you are in take courage and know that “God always Thinks of You”.
    Thank you Katy.

  6. Romans 8:6 will become my scripture to repeat daily. I feel I’m always battling with my mind and I don’t want to have any more outbursts! I’m afraid I’m one outburst away from ruining a relationship. Thank you for this message ❤️

    1. What a great strategy, Kim! To memorize and repeat Romans 8:6 daily. Thank you for sharing this!

  7. Thank you so much! This is my first time visiting your page. I love the first 5 app, and it lead me here….actually God led me here, I have been struggling with this at work, doing everything for everyone. Thank you for this!

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