One Way to Make a Big Impact in Your Daily Routine

As a new year begins and routines kick into gear, I find myself excited. Whether you’re a teacher or a student, a mom or just an active member in your church or community, a new year tends to invite us into a more structured way of life. This is the time of year I long for a schedule, and I look forward to all I might accomplish once my days become more ordered.

But I know full well, in just a little while, all of that structure will begin to suffocate me. It will feel more like a burden than a blessing. My days will feel dictated instead of directed.

I’ve decided to include something in my daily schedule this year.

One thing that could make a huge impact. At least once a day – or maybe 3 or 4 times a day – I want to take time to notice the glory of God. That sounds like church talk, doesn’t it? But here’s what I mean.

In Psalm 8:3 David writes,

When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers,
    the moon and the stars, which you have set in place,
what is man that you are mindful of him,
    and the son of man that you care for him?”

When we take time to notice the splendor of God all around us, it helps us place God in His proper position. And when we place God in His proper position, we also place ourselves and every detail of our day in its proper place. This positioning guides our priorities.

It helps us determine whether we’re doing exactly what God has called us to do, but using our own strength to accomplish it; or it helps us identify if we’re stressing over things God never intended for us to do in the first place.

In the rush of the day, we can be continually refocused by the presence of God.

One way to do this is to take time to notice. Notice the heavens, the work of God’s fingers, creation displaying God’s majesty all around us.

  • Let the wind remind you of God’s movement even if you can’t see it.
  • Let the falling leaves encourage you, God orders creation, and that includes your life.
  • Let the birds that fly by be your comfort, if God cares for the birds how much more will He care for you.

I don’t know where it fits for you. Maybe it’s the first thing you do, before you even begin to tackle the day. Maybe it’s during the commute to school or work. Maybe you sneak a few minutes on your lunch break or when you’re out running errands. Maybe you set the screen saver on your computer to the scene of a forest or waterfall. Or maybe you pause right before you call the kids to the dinner table. Wherever it fits, your reset is right in front you.

Even science backs this.

Studies have shown shifting our attention from man-made things to God-made things increases focus and decreases stress. And my own experience confirms the findings. When a canopy of clouds covers my soul something changes. The gap between me and God shortens. The confines of demands spread out and that quick breath fills more than my lungs. It fills my soul. God points us to His majesty revealed in His creation, because He knows we will be refreshed by it.

So if you’re a list maker, put a line on your list that says “take time to notice”. And if you’re not a list maker ask God to get your attention each day and draw you into His majesty displayed all around you.

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  1. Thank you Katy! I’m the mother of two boys, one in college and one just graduated and moving into the real world and in a great marriage. I’ve lived in the same house for 25 years, wow! Just realized that anniversary! Blessings to you and thank you for your insight. I work in television, but in the advertising side. Thank you for opening up your heart to God and letting him work through you. We are blessed with your insight and I will take the time to enjoy God’s glory and handiwork! ????

  2. I sought you ought after reading your First5 devotion today. I enjoyed your writing and wanted to know more about the author. I was pleased to see you have a blog and will take some time, when I can to read through more of your entries. Psalm 19 is one of my favorites and is heavily marked up in my Bible :). The regularity of the sun and its life-giving power has always been one of the strongest indications to me of the God, His power, His authority, His goodness, etc. You are so right in stopping in the middle of a busy day to ponder God’s glory helps us stop over stressing our daily problems and reminds us He holds ALL THINGS in His hands. Thanks for your thoughts today. May God bless you and your writing ministry!

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