Conditioning That Works

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“… continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling,” Philippians 2:12

Sundays in the fall millions flock to watch NFL football games in cities across the country. But no ones sees the countless hours players put in leading up to the main event. One thing prepares them to play. One thing allows them to preform.


Here’s the thing about conditioning. It’s awful! No one wants to do it. But as awful as it is, it’s just as necessary. A lack of conditioning leads to injuries and loss of ability. They have to do it. No days off.

Our spiritual strength is no different.

Conditioning our hearts prepares us for the battle ahead and allows us to be more than conquerors.

In all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.” Romans 8:37 (ESV)

God’s Word conditions our hearts. When we feed our souls His truth we change. He shapes us to succeed. His truth, recorded in our minds and repeated in our souls equips us to walk with Christ and be like Christ.

For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith.” 1 John 5:4 (ESV)

Problem is, we like to do it ourselves. I, for one, want to skip conditioning and just do it.

In my younger years I practiced gymnastics. I flipped and flopped all over the floor. I like to pretend I’m still 22, so last week it made perfect sense to climb on the trampoline and start flipping. I back flipped several times and smiled at the thought, I’ve still got it.

Until I woke up the next morning. My neck and shoulders screamed, What were you thinking?!? I labored to turn my head and winced when Luke tried to rub out some of the soreness.

That’s the difference between our strength and God’s. When we try to do anything with sheer will and determination, we may succeed for a time, but we cannot sustain it.

When God’s Word presses into our hearts. When He imprints His image on our souls. That’s when it gets good.

I can do all things through him who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13 (ESV)

If you haven’t done it yet, commit to join me this summer for A Summer Seasoned with the Spirit. On my Facebook page we’re memorizing 1 verse a week and applying it to our lives. Like my page in the right hand column or visit me there at

These are so much more than words. God’s Words are life. Strength. Conditioning for your heart. And when you condition your heart, you ready yourself to connect to God’s call on your life!


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  1. Good Morning,
    I can do all things through him who strengthens me………yes……..that one is awesome! In an of myself, I am broken but with him there is hope for me. I try to remember, I am the beloved child of the King of Kings……..not an acquaintance, or a friend, or even just a child, but the beloved child. How can I be so broken if I am the beloved child? Just like one conditions a child to begin to seek what they need…….like a baby crying when they are hungry, knowing, that you will come and scoop them up and feed them and love them, so do I need conditioning to create that knowing in my heart, that God has scooped me up and will feed and love me. So as you so eloquently put it in the post above, I need conditioning and it comes from the word, right? whew, there are doors in my heart opening up right now as I type, and it is causing leaking out of my eyes. LoL. Sitting here in my cubicle having an “ah ha” moment with tears streaming down my pitiful face hoping none of my co-workers see my wet cheeks. I am going to send my husband a scripture via email today so that I can begin to share this desire for conditioning. Thank you so much for taking the time to share with me…….a total stranger, but one who has no teacher and needed a place to begin so badly. Thank you Katy.
    On a side note, I have a bible at home and I have a little pocket new testament from Gideons, on my desk at work, but can you suggest a small bible or a version of the bible that would be good for a novice like me? I notice that the verbiage in the King James is harder for me to understand than the NIV but sometimes its’ more beautiful……..LOL. I know there are lots of different ones out there.
    Blessings to you and yours.

    1. Inspiring! I have long considered myself broken. With some pieces long how could I ever be whole again? Even in my faith, I refer to myself as broken. You make a point, with God how could I be broken? He holds me together. Thank you, April!! You just gave me an ah ha moment. I need to stop allowing that woman in the mirror to tell me those things.

    2. Woohoo!!! I literally shouted out loud when I read this! Oh boy God’s Spirit is moving. I agree with Brenda, Inspiring! As for a translation … my Bible is a side-by-side with King James and NIV (the 1984 NIV). I like having the KJV to refer to, but yes, NIV is much closer to our daily language. ESV is also a translation a lot of teaching pastors use. Also, on Web sites like and you can type in a verse or passage of Scripture and read several different translations!

  2. These words are so true. “I can do all things through Him who strengthens me”. And without Him, I am a mess. Why do we always tend to start getting a little too sure of ourselves when things go well for a while? Those prayers in the morning get shorter. I think; I just need to get going. I have a busy day. I’ve got this, I can do it. No! I don’t! When I ask the Holy Spirit to surround me and comfort me I feel so much better. Reading my Bible brings me comfort and helps me understand the direction He wants me going. Love this message, thank you! Another touchdown, Katie!

    1. So true … the prayers in the morning get shorter. Great reminder, Brenda, and a challenge to remain humble before God in every situation. We always need Him for everything!

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