What is Stress Costing You?

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The weight of what would transpire in just a few short hours tied my stomach in knots.

Are we prepared? Have I done enough? What did I forget?

It had been a year since the last time my church family and I moved into a local park and put on a 5-day outdoor, free-for-all Bible camp called Rock the Block. And on this day, the magnitude of what we were attempting took it’s toll. It disconnected me from my kids and frayed my nerves. The stress of the situation made me wonder why I’d ever volunteered to lead this thing.

We showed up at the park that night with plenty of workers and a bunch of precious kids, and I wish I could tell you my attitude improved, but it didn’t. Instead, my thoughts sifted through the necessary changes for the next night and the effort it would take to haul my kids on the errands with me.

I grit my teeth and forced a smile. We made it through Target with only a few melt-downs, and as I started to sink back into my stress the words of a sweet friend stopped me,

“You’re kids will remember the sacrifices you made to do this,” she said. “They’ll grow up serving, because that’s what they see you do.”

Her words forced my stare off my stress and on to the faces in my rear view mirror. Their smiles made me smile. Their hearts melted mine, and I could hear my Savior whisper …  Stop stressing. You’ll miss the blessing.

Just about everything worth doing brings difficulty. Hard work, frustration, disappointment. But, if it’s God’s work, there’s always a blessing included. Yet somehow the difficulty distracts us from it. And stressing steals our blessing.

A few deep breathes later I determined to shove stress in the dirt and embrace the blessing of God’s work. I played with my kids and included them in the preparations. And night after night after night, I looked. Looked for God’s hand moving among us.

Are you stressed today? Has work overloaded you? Or home heaped a portion too heavy for your plate? Is there never enough time to get it all done? Or never enough hands to help you carry the load? I pray Jesus’ words wrestle the stress from your soul, so God can show you His blessing.

“In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 (NIV)

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One Comment

  1. Owning a business is very stressful, but every morning when I start my computer at work, I have an opportunity to make a little note. I could put reminders about current promotions, sales talks, sales goals, etc. But I actually post a little prayer. Sometimes it’s only tyG/cag, “thank you, God/my initials” This little post reminds me of Whose lead I want to follow and why I am really here. And I have to laugh at posting my initials; He knows who I am!!!!

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