One Way to Let Your Life Play God’s Plans

“Don’t squeeze. Just kind of sink all the way to the bottom.”

Those were the instructions the violin teacher gave to my eager boys.

As she taught them new notes to play she noticed their excitement took their effort a little too far. The sound screeched off of the strings creating something different than they had hoped. So she loosened their grip and showed them a better way.

Sink don’t squeeze, she’d say. The note will play itself. You don’t have to squeeze it out. Simply place your finger on the string and let it sink all the way down.

For we are the product of His hand, heaven’s poetry etched on lives, created in the Anointed, Jesus, to accomplish the good works God arranged long ago.” Ephesians 2:10 (VOICE)

What if God’s plans for us are like those strings?

Created. Arranged. Ready. We simply need to sink into them.

But instead of sinking, we squeeze. We struggle to make things happen that we assume must be a part of the plan. All the while, we screech out a substitute version of the beautiful melody of God’s plans worked out in us.

Today, let’s all take some time to loosen our grip and sink into God’s love through His Son, Jesus. And as we sink deeper into God’s love, I’m sure we will sink deeper into His will.

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