When the Demands of Life Grow, Do This

Something was wrong.

Several years ago, we set out once again down the well-traveled road that led to the city where my husband would soon start football season. This particular trip we found ourselves in a last-minute frenzy. In our haste to get on the road we tossed all we would need for the months ahead into 2 trailers. Luke pulled one in his car, and I pulled one in my car.

Just a few minutes into our trip, though, something felt wrong. A slight curve in the road made my vehicle feel out of control. Instead of my car leading the load behind us, it felt like the load was leading the car.

I called Luke to explain, and he reluctantly admitted the problem. “It’s loaded wrong,” he sighed.

A local post-office lawn set the stage for the complete unloading and reloading of the trailer. It looked like an impromptu garage sale. Ladies crossed the street. Post office personnel came outside to tell us we couldn’t set up on their lawn. In the beating sun of the Texas summer, Luke even considered giving it all away.

Nevertheless, we endured the unload, reloaded the trailer correctly, then set off once again down the road.

This time, we drove with ease.

Once we loaded the trailer correctly, we could travel with confidence and in peace.

I’m finding my heart isn’t much different than that trailer.

I can pack my heart full of things, not necessarily bad things, often times I load my heart full of good things – God things. But if I’m not careful to load my heart correctly then, even with good things packed inside, the road of life can feel scary and uncertain, and I live fearful of the next bump or turn.

In Luke 5, we meet Jesus as the demands of life pick up speed.

But now even more the report about him went abroad, and great crowds gathered to hear him and to be healed of their infirmities.” Luke 5:15

People were hearing about His miracles and “great crowds” wanted something from Him, but the very next verse doesn’t tell us about how Jesus did those things.

But he would withdraw to desolate places and pray.” Luke 5:16

When the demands of life rose, the Bible notes that Jesus withdrew to talk to and be with His Father. And if Jesus needed to withdraw in the midst of demands, so do we.

Sometimes, though, we might wonder when we could possibly find time to withdraw. We feel like people depend on us or need something important from us, and we reason if we don’t provide it, who will?

If you’re thinking that today, let me encourage you. God can do more with one minute, that we can do with a lifetime. We have enough time today to be with Jesus. When the demands of life grow, look for time to retreat with Jesus. He will give you everything you need to meet the demands of the day.

Here are a few ideas of how to withdraw when demands are high:

  1. Set the alarm on your phone at different times throughout the day. When your alarm sounds, stop and pray, even if it’s only for a few minutes.
  2. Download the First 5 app and plan to get up 5 minutes earlier than you usually do. Then, spend the first 5 minutes of your day with God.
  3. Read a small section of Scripture in the morning (3-5 verses), then re-read those same verses and think on them throughout the day.

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One Comment

  1. Thank you, thank you, thank you for the GREAT conference in Cortez! On my arrow I wrote CONFIRMATION because this conference was a confirmation of what God has called me to and has already begun in my life. I am not who I was and yet everything before has led to this, even as what was, came from what was before that. I love being old (74) because I have been blessed by witnessing God reform this vessel once again (as in Jeremiah 18). Not that this vessel was “marred” but actually useful for another time and now needed to be reformed for this time of my life.
    God has lately been leading me into a new purpose and usefulness. Thank you for this opportunity and instruction as to how to make this “calling statement” to clarify my purpose in Jesus.
    My calling is to encourage, lead, empower and celebrate women and others in their “adventures” so that Christ is Glorified.

    The term, “adventure” is the term I learned to use when going through chemo and radiation for cancer and have helped others to see that “new view” for them as well. After all, if God is not surprised and Christ is in me with the Holy Spirit leading, why should it not be a new adventure to be used in God’s plan? I mentioned this to my unsaved son who was diagnosed with prostate cancer (his new adventure). He said, “Like Bilbo Baggens?” And I said, “Yes like Bilbo Baggens.” (a picture he accepted)

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