When You Need Direction

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There’s a road we’ve driven over and over again for more than a decade.

Through all of our travels in the NFL this road has become a familiar path, and one day as we set out down this road yet again I realized how much our journey has been like the road.

We’ve drive the road on beautiful days. We’ve also driven it through storms.

We’ve driven the road with no stops. We’ve driven it with too many unexpected stops.

Sometimes the kids ride quietly and peaceful. Other times it’s chaos the whole way.

We’ve driven it after winning seasons, losing seasons and surgeries.

We’ve driven it strong. We’ve driven it sick. We’ve driven it sure. We’ve driven it scared.

But we’ve always made it to our destination.

Since his high school days, Luke has written the same verse on his wrist tape before each football game,

The mind of man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.” Proverbs 16:9

Wherever you are on the road today, I pray you find comfort in this verse.

The Lord directs.

When the rain falls so hard your speed slows almost to a crawl. When the stops come so often you wonder if you’ll ever get  where you’re going. When the chaos traveling with you threatens your sanity. When a sudden detour makes you wonder where you are altogether.

The Lord directs.

We may not know the future, but we know the One who holds the future. And we can count on Him for direction.

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  1. Thank you so much for this Katy. I needed this today & can relate. I’m thankful for the ways He has always been there leading the way no matter what. When things get crazy, it’s so wonderful to know He is always with us and watch Him at work in us, through us, around us weaving everything together into something beautiful even when it doesn’t feel beautiful. He tends to every detail, every thought, every emotion we have in the best, most intimate of ways.

  2. Thank you Katy for sharing this today. I really needed this it’s been a hard week but I know that God is with me every step of the way and will never leave me. I can really relate to this today. God is good.

  3. Once again your message is so timely 🙂
    The Lord directs.
    Yes we may not know the future
    but we know the One who does.
    That is enough.
    God bless you Katy
    Thank you for your beautiful ministry .

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