Are You Ready for This?

If you knew your family planned to leave on vacation tomorrow what would you do?

You’d pack the right clothes. Prepare the house to be vacant for a few days. Call the neighbor and ask them to check on the dog. You’d put the mail on hold and fill the car up with gas. You’d make a list and check it twice, racking your brain for any details left unnoticed.

Why? Because it makes sense.

But sometimes, when God nudges us in a direction we don’t always do what makes sense. We protest instead of prepare. We argue about what it will take instead of agree God will provide all we need. And we risk missing the adventure.

I love to write. Been loving it for a while now. Talked about it. Prayed about it. Then one day, during my 9th month of pregnancy … pregnancy with my 6th child … while my husband spent three weeks away for training camp, God said, “Let’s do this!”

So, as any wise woman would do, I burrowed my brow and assured God He was out of His heavenly mind. But on a whim I told Luke about it,

“I’m kind of thinking God might want me to start a blog,” I said as I waddled away and rolled my eyes.

“You should do it,” he shot back without hesitation.

Has everyone lost their minds? I thought. I mean, come on people! Five kids, newborn due in a few weeks, Daddy never home, family nowhere close. Groceries, laundry, school (did I mention we homeschool?), sleep (yea right!). And now I’m going to write a blog. But with God’s shove and Luke’s support I learned to do something online besides email, and here we are.

One of the greatest of God’s prophets knew the feeling. Jeremiah didn’t necessarily question God’s call. He questioned God’s timing.

‘O Sovereign LORD,’ I said, ‘I can’t speak for you! I’m too young!'” Jeremiah 1:6 (NLT)

In other words, “Wooooaaaah, God. Don’t you think we’re moving a little fast? I’m not ready yet.”

God didn’t get it wrong with Jeremiah, or with me. And He didn’t get it wrong with you either. Sometimes God calls at the “wrong” time to spotlight our shortcomings and show off His strength.

As Jeremiah sought God personally and completely, God took him on a bit of a practice run. Two times God gave Jeremiah a word and asked him, “What do you see?” Both times Jeremiah saw correctly.

God knew Jeremiah had what it would take, and He proved it to him. But as Jeremiah stepped into his life’s call, God issued one more command,

‘Get yourself ready!’” Jeremiah 1:17a (NIV)

This intrigues me because I grew up in church. And I’ve carried this idea through life, “If God brings you to it, He’ll bring you through it.” Cute little rhyme, but it left me believing I played no part in preparing myself for God’s business. God’s words to Jeremiah tell a totally different story, though. He basically says, “Here’s what you’re doing. If you don’t think you’re ready, then get ready.”

But maybe you’re wondering what that even looks like. Can I offer you two words that changed my life? Pray and show up. (Okay that’s three words, but you know what I mean.)

When God called me to write I had a lot to learn. I could barely send an email to multiple recipients. (I’m serious.) I wasn’t even on Facebook for crying out loud. (I know, I know.) So, what did I do? I called up a few close friends. I let them know I was in over my head and needed their accountability and prayer.

Then I showed up. Day after day, week after week. I capitalized on training web sites. I read and studied about the call on my life. I opened my computer and took the fingers God gave me and punched one letter at a time.

Friend, God’s made His plan for you. Get yourself ready. Don’t wait for Him to lightning bolt all you need into your heart. You’re not too young. Life’s not too busy. You don’t need more experience or training.

You’re the girl for this job and God will guide you with every step. Will you pray and show up today?

Share a comment and tell me, what is one thing you can do today to pray and show up for God’s plans for you?

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  1. Katy, you have no idea how God spoke to me through your words right here. Moments before reading this, I said to my husband, “Maybe I’m not supposed to write.” I’ve been blogging for 7 years and just last week sensed I was supposed to get more serious about a project God put on my heart a few years back. I’ve waited and drug my feet, been excited and afraid…I’ve tried to remove distractions and be intentional, but I too am a wife to a busy man (not a football player, but a farm who also is in a busy season), a Mom of 5, homeschool Mom/teacher to 3. All that said, I know God has called me to write too, but when it gets hard I question that call.

    Anyway last night I prayed asking God to confirm it yet again…He did right here. The opening verses of Jeremiah are ones He first spoke to my heart and now I’m reminded of them again here. I’m trusting in God’s timing with all of this and thankful for His leading, my husband’s support and your encouragement.

    My step for today…continue in prayer and write the opening paragraph for my “Who am I? Seeking God’s Answer to the Age Old Question” study.

    With tears and thanks! Praying for you!

    1. Wow Jill! How exciting! I’m giggling over here!! Thank you for sharing such a special moment with us. Go for it, friend! I can’t wait to hear all God does.

  2. Katy, what a wonderful, encouraging message for all women to read today. I too heard the same call from God many years ago, but it was to speak. My kids were little. I had quit my job as an attorney. But I knew that I knew He was calling me. And so I said “yes,” but in baby steps. And with each baby step, He blessed it and slowly but surely grew my ministry. And if you had told me then where He would have me now, I probably would not have said yes. It would have scared me and seemed overwhelming. But He goes before us every step of the way. He opens and closes doors. And He gives us the courage when to say “yes” and when to say “no.” Thank you for sharing your story today. I wish I had your words all those use ago to equip and encourage me. 🙂



  3. Katy, I love this and was so encouraged by it. I love how you always give such practical steps forward to carry out wisdom! I felt especially encouraged by our ability to prepare and take steps forward in our calling even if we are “busy moms and wives.” You are a great example to me, thank you!! Love you

    1. Thanks Natalie! I love taking this journey with you. You are so right that even in the busyness of home we can be available and attentive to God’s promotings.

  4. Thanks for another inspiring post! I sure appreciate your words and sharing. I’ve been finding out too, when God calls us to do something, we can make a way to make it happen. God is good and faithful! We need to follow His lead for our lives. I’m so thankful I felt His call to write again and start a blog site too, and now to expand my horizons to include Stephen Ministry. God bless!

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