Where Can I Find Peace?

I walked out the door in a hurry. Mostly because for the last ten minutes Luke repeatedly told me to get out.

About this time last year, I celebrated a birthday. I asked for a pedicure – with the unspoken word “alone” embedded in the message. Luke granted my request with an eager heart and threw in a “take the whole day” cherry on top. So, when the clock turned to 8:30 a.m. the morning of my birthday, and I was still in the house, Luke started pushing me out.

But when I walked outside, the limousine parked behind my car brought my steps to a screeching halt.

“Luuuuuke,” I yelled on my way back inside the house, “What is going on?”

With a mischievous smirk he let me in on the plan he’d been working on for days. A full-day girls’ getaway to shop, eat and relax at the spa.

There I sat. No kids, dishes, laundry or list of to-dos. No demands to meet. No details to arrange. Nada. All I had to do was breathe. So I did. I took a big, deep breathe. I smiled and burrowed back into my chair. The stillness spelled P-E-A-C-E.

That two minutes, or so, was awesome ….

But before the driver could make one turn, I put the hamster back on the wheel in my brain and let him loose.

Is he going to turn in front of that car? I better buckle up. And so it began. The rest of the ride up I balked from time to time. What is he doing? How fast is he going? Is he texting and driving?!

I could hear Luke’s voice in my head begging me to relax. You’re missing the whole point.

Decision time.

I’m blogging today at Kelly Balarie’s place. Will you join me there and find out what happened that day and even better, what happened the day after the spa … http://purposefulfaith.com



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