Let It Go

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We all did the same thing.

A major storm system moved through the area overnight. The threat of tornadoes sounded across the media for days leading up to the event. The hours deep into the night added an extra punch to this storm’s fury.

The day after the storms I sat with friends at our kids’ baseball game, and we laughed as we realized we all sat up for hours the night before.

We watched the weathermen break into programming to update us on the strongest cells. We all made our plans and waited for the warning to put them into action.

We knew where we’d go, who we’d wake first, and what we’d do once we got there. But the weather never demanded we employ our strategies.

I talked to my sister and, sure enough, she spent sleeping hours awake like the rest of us. Then she shared a story about a friend of hers …

This friend wasn’t tired. She smiled and carried on as if the night before were like any other night – because the night before was like any other night.

I just walked around my house and prayed for God to protect me then went to bed.

That’s what she said. The nerve of her. To pray then actually go to bed, believing God heard. Trusting He loves her. And confident in His care.

Who does that?

Enter this morning …

As I pulled my little girl from her crib I heard a crash. The sun shone through the window, so I knew it couldn’t be thunder. I shrugged it off and walked to the kitchen where the view out the windows told the story.


A huge tree fell. Just like that. No warning. No reason. With a bend and a boom the tree came tumbling down. I thanked God for the timing.

Had this happened in the middle of the day one of my children could have been under the weight of that trunk. Thank you, Lord, my heart whispered. I remembered the words of my sister’s friend and some of Jesus’ words followed right behind.

Whoever seeks to preserve his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life will keep it.” Luke 17:33 (ESV)

This verse implies eternal life or death. We’re given 2 options. If we surrender this life to Jesus we keep it in eternity. If we hold tight to our own life, will and ways for our short time on earth, we lose our life for all eternity.

But, as I consider this verse I also see another kind of wisdom. When we grip our lives so tight on this earth, depending on self-preservation, we literally lose our lives. We spend all of our days scurrying to and fro trying to bullet-proof and baby-proof our way to safety.

And we never achieve it.

There is always a tree in the backyard we can’t control.

‘I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.'” John 16:33 (NIV)

Peace. Jesus states it clearly. We stumble upon peace not because we cross all our T’s and dot our I’s, but because of the cross Jesus bore. Our hope in Him equals our Hope on earth.

Keep your life and lose it. Lose your life to keep it.

Out of control just got good.

The tree in my yard didn’t catch God off guard. And neither did the crash in your life. Has a tree fallen in your life lately? Has it sent you into a tailspin trying to secure your life and the lives of the ones you love?

Today, I will walk around my house and pray. I will ask God for protection. For provision. For His presence. Will you join me? Maybe you walk in your yard. Your child’s room. Your entire house. You know the person, the place God’s asking you to trust Him with.

Let’s do it! Let God clear your schedule this week, and take time to walk and talk with God.

Share this with friends and invite them to join our “Out of Control” celebration!!!



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  1. Beautifully spoken. Thank you for the reminder of God’s provision and sovereignty.

  2. Your words are so true and this really speaks to me and a situation I have lived. I have three sons. One of them was very ‘rebellious’ I will say. I worried, fretted, ruminated. He had privileges revoked. Grounded. Reasoning and talking got no where. This went on for several years. Anyone who has not lived this please do not judge. The guilt. Oh my, the guilt. To this day I do not know for sure why he went through this. I have my thoughts but he has never opened up. Maybe he doesn’t even know for sure himself. I. Don’t. Know. Anyway, I tried to figure out what to do to help or remedy the situation. I prayed. I had others who I trusted to confide in to pray. I cried. I weeped for him. He must be suffering so much to behave this way. I wanted for him to be ok. Happy. My father died. My husband died. My sister-in-law died. I believe I may have been teetering on the edge of a breakdown. It was a very low time. One night I said my prayers and went to sleep. The prayers were really no different. But my attitude was. I realized I did not have control. I never did. Peace came. I rested. I had it wrong all along. I didn’t need to worry. God will guide me when I need to act or speak. I thought I had trusted Him but I was still trying to figure things out on my own. When I let go of this attitude of self-preservation as you had said, I found renewed peace. My son is doing very well now. He turns to God and trusts Him. I can tell this by his attitude and words. He attends church with me again.
    Thank you, Katy for your words of encouragement. I will join you at 6!!

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