How Can I Make Time for Friends?

We sat across from each other at the table in the back corner. Before we even pulled out the chairs we knew – our souls needed a place to escape.

We laughed too loud and stayed too long and didn’t check our phones one time. It could have been because we just have that much fun together. Or it could have been because we knew what the end of the night meant.

When we drove up to my door I hesitated. It’s hard to give the last hug.

A few days later she boarded a plane and for now, our dinners will have to wait. Life moved us miles away.

Bidding my friend farewell got me thinking. Thinking about how to do friendships both near and far. Thinking about how to make the most of these God-given girls in my life.

I have friends from shore to shore and friends right down the street, and I believe there’s a way to nurture both. In fact God’s Word gives us a few examples I think we can apply to our friendships today:

  1. Write a letter. The New Testament is full of letters. Letters written from Paul to the early churches. Letters sent to encourage and build up, and words also meant to share about his own life and needs. Now, obviously, writing a letter like with a pencil and a piece of paper seems a little foreign to some of us. Some of you are rock stars at this kind of mail, and it blesses those of us who receive it. But the rest of us have to send a mass text message every November because it’s time to mail Christmas cards and we never write down an address … speaking of text messages … isn’t that a letter? A note to say I’m thinking of you. What are you up to? How can I pray for you? I think it is. And how simple is that.
  2. Schedule some talk time. If there was ever a life of high demand, Jesus lived it. Yet with so many seeking something from Him he found time to pull away with His disciples. His friends (John 15:15). Our lives are often full and a phone tag game is sure to surface. If we really want to connect with the great women in our life we might need to carve it out. Look at the calendar. Throw out a few times that work then write it down on the day planner the same way you do that work meeting.
  3. Pray. In his letter to the church of Ephesus Paul writes, “I have not stopped thanking God for you. I pray for you constantly,” (Ephesians 1:16). We can do the same for each other. I love my friend Lisa’s idea – prayer triggers. Think of a friend, then think of something she loves or something that reminds you of her. Every time you see or hear that “thing” pray for her. Wherever you are stop and pray. It can just be one sentence. But let’s make it a priority to pray for our friends.

My friend sent me a text just a few days ago asking about something I shared with her that night at dinner. Life may have moved us miles apart, but it hasn’t separated our hearts. Is there a friend you can write to, talk to, or pray for today?

I’d love to use the comments section to celebrate our friendships! Tell me about a friend you love or admire, then share this post and tag her in it. I’m sure she’ll be blessed.


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  1. Thank you for a timely reminder.
    Far from home, far from my routine, from friends, experiencing new and unexpected relationships, I needed to hear this and the “Encouragement for today” reading.
    I brought some cards made from my artworks to give as gifts to those I meet on this once in a lifetime epic journey to my roots but am missing the familiar hugs and smiles. Quick emails are just teasing reminders of what I have left behind.
    You have given me the idea to write a note to those friends and mail them from here. Actual “snail mail”, something to hold in one’s hand, to look at and return to is the way I will put this to use.
    Thank you!
    Gotta go write some cards!

  2. I have a friend who was diagnosed with cancer last fall. For 15 years we met for lunch once a week and poured our hearts out to each other. Since her diagnosis, it has been more difficult to get together as we live in different cities (when she was working , we worked in the same city). I love her with all my heart and the encouragement for today and your blog has reminded me how important it is to connect. Denise, “I have not stopped thanking God for you. I pray for you constantly.”

  3. The past year has been incredibly hard, and I’ve been feeling so alone. Thanks for the reminder that I need to reach out to friends, even if they are far away.

  4. Life is better together. God doesn’t want us to do life alone. He has given us numerous “one another'” verses to tell how to fulfill His purpose for us. Great devo and blog post today.

  5. God must really want to get my attention on the subject of friendships . In my life group , I’m teaching on this very subject . I definitely will share your blog. Thank you ! I love getting mail too. Also , there’s a friend I haven’t heard from in quite some time . Calling her today.

  6. I’m guilty, yet convicted. Being a good friend is not my strong suit. I’m great in a crisis, a sprinter by nature, but I don’t have much endurance to go the whole mile. I’ve been blessed to have a few ladies in my life who are cross country runners and they truly go the distance (forgive the marathon analogies) but isn’t this what we are in, a race to heaven?

    I want to be better at following up and staying in touch. I love the ‘trigger’ idea, thanks.

    I’m still learning how to not lose touch and to not feel abandoned.
    I thank Rudo, Sabrina, and Brenda for being women who reach out and give always and for not letting me go!!!

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