When You Stumble

I cannot believe I’m about to tell you this story, but here goes …

A few months ago Luke’s parents treated all their kids to the NCAA Finals. We drove a few hours to Dallas and pulled into “Jerry World” otherwise known as AT&T Stadium. We parked fairly close then started our trek inside.

The more we walked the more I noticed the dark clouds on the horizon. My heels clicked faster on the pavement and my heart beat a little hastier. Those clouds are coming our way!

I mentioned it to Luke and, true to form, he waved it off with a, We’ll be fine.

A few more steps and I felt a drop. Grant it, I felt A drop, but it proved my theory, the bottom of these clouds was about to fall out.

“I think we should run,” I announced to Luke and the 4 others with us. “Do you want to run?” I assumed every other reasonable person would want to run so I turned, heels and all, and took off like a sprinter at the sound of the gun …

And slammed straight into a giant cement post.

The rest is a bit of a blur. The people nearby tell me I folded like a chair. They asked if I was okay and worried about my health too much to laugh. But, here’s the kicker – I didn’t fall!

I’ve long since said it’s not about the stumble, it’s what you do next. A heel-wearer for as long as I can remember, you learn these things. You will fall. What counts is the recovery.

This night, however, I have to thank the strong hand of my husband. I folded over the cement post and kind of rolled off the side. I tried to keep my feet under me, but gravity took me another direction.

That’s when Luke threw his arm around my waist and lifted me off the ground. Literally, picked me up. My feet weren’t even touching anymore. He saw my predicament and knew one more step meant face plant, so he stepped in and rescued me.

And even though you trip up, you will not fall on your face
    because He holds you by the hand.” Psalm 37:24 (The Voice)

God sees the cement posts on our path, and He promises to be there when we fold over them like a paperclip. When God saves us, He wipes away all sin as far as the east is from the west. Our mess ups today don’t cancel the cross and its saving grace in our lives.

This infamous occasion we now refer to as “ghost pole.” Somehow my eyes missed the giant obstacle right in front me. Instead of avoiding it I ran right at it and paid the price. Embarrassed, confused, and bruised I stumbled head first towards the pavement. But a strong, steady arm of love refused to let me fall.

I have a promise to share with you – you will stumble. You will mess up. You will shake your head and wonder, how did I not see that pole? But another promise follows this one – God will not let you fall.

Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken.” Psalm 55:22 (NIV)

If you find yourself laid over a ghost pole today, let me remind you, it’s not about the stumble, it’s about what you do next. Cast your cares on Jesus and confess your trip up to a Christ-like friend.

Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” James 5:16 (NIV)

Commit your way to Jesus and count on His paths to be right … You may also need a new pair of shoes.

For shoes, put on the peace that comes from the Good News so that you will be fully prepared.” Ephesians 6:15 (NLT)

Surely they come in a wedge.

Okay friends, let me know. I can’t be the only one airing out my missteps. Leave a Comment! and tell me if you’ve ever hit a ghost pole.





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  1. I was with my daughter and her then boyfriend shopping for her a new car and as I was looking at the new mustangs parked in from of the dealership, I did not see the step down in front of the cars. There was a painted yellow line , had I been looking down, but I was looking up and when I took my next step , I went flying, and her boyfriend saw what was happening, and he broke my fall !! I never hit the ground , just looked like a clumsy old women. It would have been a bad fall and God put that sweet guy there to help me:) I was embarrassed , but aren ‘t we all when we stumble and sometimes fall, but we can look up to God and ask him to help us and forgive us and have peace of mind that he will:) Loved the story and that Luke was fast on his feet when he caught you 🙂

    1. It pays to have a strong guy nearby, right! Love your story and your words, “I was embarrassed , but aren ‘t we all when we stumble and sometimes fall, but we can look up to God and ask him to help us and forgive us and have peace of mind that he will” — SO TRUE

  2. I love this post Katy. I especially love that Psalm, about stumbling but not falling on our faces because he has us by the hand. I wish I had the courage to share with you my biggest ghost pole…….I can share the miracle part. One night, many, many years ago, I sat in an empty house on the floor and said the words out loud, “God help us”. Didn’t mean for it to be a prayer but God heard it for exactly what it was and you know what he did?! He sent the sheriff!! I never saw that one coming! That was a ghost pole the size of a building! I ended up in a jail cell and God sent me a messenger who brought me to Christ. The messenger was a tiny homeless woman, who was dirty, and disheveled……….she asked me if I knew the Messiah. She told me I had been brought to this place (the cell), “to be safe and to be saved”. I will never forget those words. She prayed the most beautiful, eloquent words I have ever heard……..this was no ordinary homeless street person. I have been in his care ever since. Slow to learn the bible, but I read it for the first time, cover to cover after that, and I changed my life so drastically, I can’t begin to explain. So, my ghost pole was not something you could physically see, but I folded over it like an accordion and God caught me when I fell……..just never in a way I could have ever imagined. Before that, I didn’t know he loved me. The little messenger woman………she left the cell after the prayer and I never saw her again, but she lives in me and changed my life forever. Blessing to all today.

    1. WHAT A STORY! Thank you for sharing this with all of us. WOW, I just love to hear about when God steps in and surprises us in ways we never ever could have come up with on our own. God WILL NOT LET US GO! What Love! And expressed so beautifully in your story!

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