Soul Food

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Have you ever considered something you do every day could be your greatest tool to impact your life and the lives around you?

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.” Ephesians 4:29 (NIV)

Every word that drips from your lips will help or hurt. The Voice version reads, Don’t let even one rotten word seep out of your mouths.

Rotten words.

All too often they seep out. Many times without forethought or second thought. They sting. Tear down. Poison.

Rotten words served up like a poisoned apple intended straight for the heart of the one who hears.

Living in the south we get a lot of “soul food.” If you haven’t been blessed to try some of this food, let me tell you, Mmmmm. You won’t find anything like it on the planet.

Soul food isn’t served at chain restaurants or fast food drive-thru windows. You usually find soul food in a small building on an unassuming corner. On the outside you think no big deal. But on the inside what you eat will keep you coming back for more.

One more thing about soul food – the food usually connects directly to one person. One set of hands that cooked and served this plate. A kind, loving soul who seeks to bless all who sit at her table.

Our words feed souls. We may not offer loaded mashed potatoes, but every person we pass brings an opportunity to feed. What will it be?

A poisoned apple sure to rot their soul and make them sick? Or soul food, fresh words that build others up when they need it most.” (The Voice)

Encouraging, helpful words. Words that benefit those who listen.

Now there’s a filter. Seems like I may be talking a lot less. Which might just be the point.

Understand this, my dear brothers and sisters: You must all be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry.” James 1:19 (NLT)

Just as home cookin’ takes practice, so does biting your tongue. Feed one starving soul today. Serve grace to one hurting heart. As you do, you breathe strength behind your fresh words and suck life out of the rotten ones.

And the most important ingredient of any soul food … your own soul.

What you say flows from what is in your heart.” Luke 6:45 (NLT)

To speak life to others, you must first speak it to yourself. If we allow rotten words to fill our own hearts, we will certainly speak them to others. But if we insist on pouring God’s Words into our hearts, the abundance of life within us will overflow its banks and flood into thirsty souls.

Join me on my facebook page this summer for a Summer Seasoned with the Spirit. Each week we’ll hide one new Scripture in our hearts. I will offer helps to apply these Scriptures to our lives and also include children!

You can like my page in the column to the right, or visit my page at

I look forward to God’s influence on my heart and how it will impact the hearts around me. I hope you’ll join me, and invite a friend!

Leave a Comment! and tell me how you hope to season your summer!



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  1. Hi There,
    Thank you again for the beautiful necklace. I am so excited to wear it and have it be a constant reminder to be a Proverbs 31 woman…….a woman who laughs and is spirit filled and not a woman of insecurity and despair. πŸ™‚
    Wow, this was good today……..our words are food for the souls of others, and the words in our head, the tapes that seem to play up there, are feeding are own souls. Such good stuff. If I heard someone else talking to my friend or loved one, the way my own voice talks to me in my head, I wouldn’t stand for it! It is a lesson to speak kindly to oneself, so that I will be in the habit of speaking kindly and will be more likely to do so to others. Ephesians—-I am hunting for it right now in my little pocket bible on my desk at work…..found it! Will be good reading while I eat my lunch. I will season my summer with Love and kindness, gentleness and prayer for my family……..and laughter! πŸ™‚
    Thanks so much Katy! Sending Love and Light!

    1. “the tapes that seem to play up there” TRUTH! Excited for all God will show you in His Word! Your enthusiasm for Him is contagious!

  2. I’ve been reading along with your FB posts and meditating on this verse and last night God brought it to mind so I could take advantage of a teachable moment with one of my little girls. Jaylyn (7) had her 1st softball practice last night and since we homeschool she’s not daily exposed to some of the stuff/drama/comments that come with school. Anyway her first words when it was over, “Mom, do my ears poke out?” I asked “Why?” “One of the girls said I look like an elf.” As I listened God instantly brought this verse to mind so first we talked about our words and how sometimes we say things that hurt others and talked about what God wants. Then the conversation proceeded in a good way from there. I was thankful to have those words to help direct my daughter and pray they are etched on her heart as well. And now we’re praying that Jaylyn can shine her light as the season continues. Thank you for this…looking forward to joining you this summer! Blessings!

    1. Love this testimony! PERFECT example of what God does when we hide His words in our hearts!!! Instead of offering our best suggestions for a situation, He brings His Words to mind & takes it from there. πŸ™‚ I’m smiling!!

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