Don’t Miss It!

In a few days, baby Leah will be three months old. She’s grown tons in such a short time. She coos at us and smiles. We giggle and make a big fuss over it. We dream about her future. How big will she grow? What gifts will she have? How will she impact the world around her? With hopes set high we imagine ….


All those years ago, another baby cooed. He smiled for the first time and stared at his fists with a puzzled look as if to say, “Can I make these move?” I’m quite sure Mary and Joseph giggled when their baby’s eyes lit up at the sight of them. But much, much more than that happened.

Nearby shepherds left their heard to celebrate. At the temple, Simeon and Anna stopped to praise. Magi traveled a from afar to worship.

To celebrate, to praise, to worship a child.

This Jesus they honored with their lives, their words, and their gifts had not yet turned water into wine. He had not fed 5,000 with a few pieces of bread and fish. The sick still lay sick. The storm still raged. But that was no matter to them. They worshiped because of the promise they believed Him to fulfill. And He did fulfill His promise.

Some, though, saw something different. They saw with their own eyes the greatest miracle in history. God Almighty in human flesh. God stepping into flesh and changing history for the rest of eternity! They saw Him and walked away. They didn’t recognize him. They left His love. They left His presence … while they wandered and waited for something else.

I look back at times in my life when God, in His great grace, opened my eyes to get a glimpse of the works of His hands. I watched Him tear down walls built up in relationships. I saw Him shatter strongholds in my life and others. I witnessed Him part the waters so people running for their lives walked safely into His arms. I rejoiced! I hollered Hallelujah! I wanted to stand up on the couch and scream at the top of my lungs like I do when my hubby tosses a touchdown! Woooohoooo!

Then there are other times when God seems quiet. No cheering. No walls tumbling down. No strongholds losing their grip. I wonder, God, what are you doing? Are you there?

When I consider Jesus’ birth I realize, I’m looking in all the wrong places. I cast all my plans on God’s eternal purposes, and I miss it. I cling so tightly to what He did the last time I miss His movement today. I sit with blinders fixed around my eyes so I can’t see outside my own expectations. And I miss it!

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:8-9 (ESV)

The shepherds, the wise men, Simeon and Anna … they bowed because of WHO they saw, not because of WHAT He did. God won’t always show up the way we expect or imagine. That doesn’t mean He’s not here.

Dear God, please open my eyes to see you even when you move in ways I don’t expect or have never seen before. More than that, God, open my heart to believe in every bit of WHO You Are no matter what I perceive in my simple mind.

Leave a Comment! Has God ever surprised you with His plans? What happened?


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One Comment

  1. So true, katy. In my experience, God almost always answers in a way different then I would have imagined or even known to pray for. It is one of the ways I recognize his hand. The birth of Christ is the perfect example, to quote the song ‘this is such a strange way to save the world.’

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